
DISCOUNTED TICKET PRICES at most area theaters—save up to $5 per performance with your TAG Membership Card!

A SUBSCRIPTION TO TAGLINES, the monthly e-newsletter containing all the latest information on upcoming shows, auditions, theatre-related events, and articles of interest

TAG E-BROADCASTS on late-breaking news, schedule changes, and more

TAG NIGHT OUT PREVIEWS of area theatre productions for a “pay-what-you-can” donation to the TAG Scholarship fund. Check the TNO calendar page for shows.

ANNUAL TAG ROSTER listing current members with phone numbers, addresses, email addresses, and talent/skill inventories

ANNUAL PREVIEW GUIDE with information on area theatres’ upcoming seasons, with performance dates, reservation information and ticket prices

TAG EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS presented by actors, directors, producers, and technicians

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES for high school seniors planning to participate in and/or pursue a degree in the theatre arts at a college, university, or approved school of drama

GRANTS for individuals pursuing professional development opportunities

ACCESS TO TAG’S SCRIPT LIBRARY to prepare for auditions or plan a theatre season–contact TAG Script Librarian, Roxanne Wach at roxwach@aol.com

THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE in the TAG Awards process

REDUCED TICKETS PRICES TO TAG’S AWARDS GALA—a night to honor outstanding performances and celebrate the year’s achievements in theatre

OPPORTUNITIES TO ADVERTISE in TAGLines and on www.theatreartsguild.com–contact our Newsletter Chair at taglines@theatreartsguild.com for more information

ACCESS TO TAG’S MAILING LIST for the purpose of sending theatre-related information to TAG members (no charge for electronic or hardcopy list; $10 for printed labels by emailing membership@theatreartsguild.com)

THE CAMARADERIE that comes from supporting live theatre in the metro area!