TAG Purchase Notice
Membership purchase and renewal is in BETA. When purchasing, you may receive multiple emails from PayPal, including a successful purchase email, followed by a cancelled purchase email. These emails may cause confusion and the TAG Board is working to resolve this issue. To verify your purchase was successful, please contact membership@theatreartsguild.com.
Effective May 1, 2021 – TAG membership is now pay what you can. Pay $1 or $100, join TAG today!
Joining TAG is easy:
- Click on the membership link below.
- You will be taken to a page where you can specify your membership donation amount. Input a donation amount (or leave 0.00) and click Donate.
- You will be asked to fill out your profile information, pick a username, and a password.
- TAG uses PayPal to process online payments, so you will be directed to PayPal to complete your membership purchase.
If you have any questions, please contact the Theatre Arts Guild Membership Chair by email at membership@theatreartsguild.co
Important Note
When signing up, it’s possible you may receive a warning indicating you submitted the sign-up form too quickly. This message, if received, is generated by our spam prevention service. If this occurs, please wait a few minutes and try to sign up again. If you cannot sign up after waiting a few minutes, please contact us at <a href="mailto:membership@theatreartsguild.com">membership@theatreartsguild.com</a>