Kerfuffle is devoted to creating work with and for children under 5 years old. Kerfuffle brings high quality, aesthetically pleasing and emotionally interesting theatre to very young audiences. Made up of an ensemble of artists who teach, write, design and perform, we create playful, multi-sensory theatre with and for preschool children.

Each Kerfuffle production has two major components: first, teaching artists will facilitate weeklong creative drama residencies in local preschools to generate ideas for the show. During the residencies, teaching artists will explore and play with children using improvisation, storytelling, movement and visual art to explore a central topic while a playwright observes and documents the experiences paying particular attention to what excites and moves the children.

The second key component is a performance residency of an original show in local museums, zoos and libraries. Some of Kerfuffle productions are uniquely housed in a 7ft tall, 14ft in diameter portable Yurt Dome. The Yurt Dome provides an intimate performance space that can be transformed for each show with beautiful lights, fabrics and carpeting. The Dome will provide actors the opportunity to interact very closely with the young audience members.

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