Support the 2019 TAG Celebration Dear Friends, Join us in celebrating our 52nd Annual TAG Celebration on Saturday, August 3, 2019! We are shaking things up this year and in order to be more environmentally friendly, we are doing away with our paper program. But you can still help support TAG and advertise your business by sponsoring our event! Our annual celebration is a wonderful opportunity to reach Omaha artists and audience members. Your ad will be featured on our PowerPoint slides prior to the show from 6:30pm to 7:30pm, and during intermission. And our sponsors will be featured on our social media – the TAG Facebook and Twitter, and the TAG website. We’ll do a special social media push on the days prior to TAG Celebration featuring all our sponsors, showcasing their ads and we’ll tag the businesses on the posts. For the slide show, you can choose from three ad sizes, each to be featured in a unique way in the slide: Full Screen Ad 13.3 (w) x 7.5 (h)” / 1280×720 pixels / Ratio: 16:9 Featured twice as often on the slide as the other ads $150 Half Screen Ad 6.7 (w) x 7.5 (h)” / 640×720 pixels / Ratio: 8:9 $80 Quarter Screen Ad 6.7 (w) x 3.75 (h)” / 640×720 pixels / Ratio: 16:9 $50 Printing Requirements: JPEG or TIFF / 300 DPI To purchase online click here! or Send Payment to: Theatre Arts Guild P.O. Box 24008 Omaha, NE 68124-0008. Email ads and questions to: Deadline for payment and art submission: Saturday, July 13, 2019 Thank you for supporting TAG! TAG is a non-profit organization, and donations are tax-deductible