Grist Mill McCready Theatre
313 Main St, Macedonia, IA
Focus of Work: All genres including musicals, dramas and comedies
House Size: 132
Style: Proscenium
Reserved or General Seating: Reserved
Typical Showtimes: Friday’s & Saturday’s at 7:30 pm; Sunday’s at 2:30 pm
Payment Types: Cash or Checks
Amenities: Refreshments provided at intermission
Parking: Street Parking
Grist Mill Fine Arts Council, Inc. was established in 1977 to bring the full range of artistic expression and appreciation to southwest Iowa. The Grist Mill Fine Arts Council is based in Macedonia, Iowa and serves the surrounding communities. The goal of this organization is to promote the fine arts in southwest Iowa.
The Grist Mill McCready Theatre in downtown Macedonia is the hub of Grist Mill activities. These include several plays each year, a Christmas show, various art displays, musical activities, family festival, and a small gift shop located in the lobby.
In addition to stage performances, visual art shows, garden tours and concerts, Grist Mill, in an effort to promote the arts, awards scholarships to high school seniors with an interest in the arts. The application form is provided to graduating seniors from Riverside, Griswold and Treynor Schools.
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